Garden Master
They are just leetle tiny things! But, they are soooo hard on dahlias!
This area has arid summers. Humidity falls below 20% on nearly every summer afternoon. (When it finally warms up.) The spider mites love this . . . and, they love dahlias. (They also love evergreens and there are lots & lots of evergreens near my dahlia garden.)
I've had them almost kill plants - and, since the roots of those plants never developed enuf for them to make it thru winter storage - the mites DID kill those plants !
Spraying the plants with a strong blast of water followed by Isotox systemic insecticide has saved my dahlias on bad spider mite years. Isotox is no longer available :/.
Last year, I used Bonide Systemic Granules. Big Zero for mite control!!
When I've sprayed the sunflowers in the veggie garden with Palmolive Green, it has not only killed the aphids but the mites seem to have disappeared also. But, I don't use Palmolive on any valuable plants! Dad once sprayed his plum tree with dishsoap and it not only killed all the aphids but that tree dropped every leaf! The leaves regrew but I don't want to take that chance with the dahlias!
Insecticidal soap works great on aphids but the extension sites and other gardeners say it does a poor job on spider mites.
What do you think I should do along in late July when the mites show up in the dahlias? Is there some product I'm overlooking? BTW - the horticulturalists say that Sevin so degrades the mites' natural predators that mite infestations develop where they wouldn't have otherwise occurred . . .
This area has arid summers. Humidity falls below 20% on nearly every summer afternoon. (When it finally warms up.) The spider mites love this . . . and, they love dahlias. (They also love evergreens and there are lots & lots of evergreens near my dahlia garden.)
I've had them almost kill plants - and, since the roots of those plants never developed enuf for them to make it thru winter storage - the mites DID kill those plants !
Spraying the plants with a strong blast of water followed by Isotox systemic insecticide has saved my dahlias on bad spider mite years. Isotox is no longer available :/.
Last year, I used Bonide Systemic Granules. Big Zero for mite control!!
When I've sprayed the sunflowers in the veggie garden with Palmolive Green, it has not only killed the aphids but the mites seem to have disappeared also. But, I don't use Palmolive on any valuable plants! Dad once sprayed his plum tree with dishsoap and it not only killed all the aphids but that tree dropped every leaf! The leaves regrew but I don't want to take that chance with the dahlias!
Insecticidal soap works great on aphids but the extension sites and other gardeners say it does a poor job on spider mites.
What do you think I should do along in late July when the mites show up in the dahlias? Is there some product I'm overlooking? BTW - the horticulturalists say that Sevin so degrades the mites' natural predators that mite infestations develop where they wouldn't have otherwise occurred . . .