Garden Master

The 2 bunches of little ones grow together like shallots in the garden, in little bunches. These are "Four Seasons" and were started from seed in April. They were transplanted out in July.
The larger onions on top in the photo are Tokyo White. It took quite a bit of stripping to remove the tough older leaves but seed was planted in the greenhouse way back in late winter and they've been in the open garden the entire growing season. And yes, they were used as scallions from the get-go . . . and here they are today.
Tokyo White and some of the other bunching onions I have grown do not grow in a "bunch" in the same way Four Seasons does. They looked rather like leeks when I pulled these out a couple days ago. However, they are onions with the characteristic hollow leaves and flavor.
. . . . scallions all season long? I don't know of a better way!