Garden Master
Do you ever have the experience of searching, searching, searching for something. Then, you don't quite give up but . . . wow, you just canNOT spend anymore time on it!
I remembered something that I'd come across about a tomato variety. Maybe I didn't quite remember it right. Maybe I remembered it right or maybe I should just be happy that I remembered anything!
Anyway! I remembered the name "Burstyn" The name was so remarkable when it occurred to me what (I thought) it meant, that I remembered it. "Bursting" with flavor!! Hey, I got it!
Problem was - I didn't get it. And, I spent probably 2 hours trying to find the darn tomato variety. Today, I just happened on to it . . .
It was a difficult day. I had these things that I really should have done but, my 21 year-old daughter showed up last night sick with a cold and an ear infection. Her boyfriend was out of town so here the poor thing drug herself home . . . probably to infect Mom and Dad . . .
This morning, I talked her into going to a clinic - no seeing her doctor on a Saturday. It took fooooreverrrrr! First off, it was hard getting her out of the house. She didn't feel good. Had to have a bath, allow her hair to dry, have something to drink . . .
Nearly 2 hours in the waiting room. Afterward, we went to the wrong pharmacy. By that time, she was exhausted and I took her home and went off to the other pharmacy, which was packed with customers. It took them nearly an hour to fill the prescription!! I spent 2 hours waiting for her to get ready and nearly 5 hours waiting for our vaunted health care system to come to her rescue!
Then I came home, got on the internet and was reading about tomatoes . . . and there was the name, "Bursztyn" Amber Cherry!! "Very early, large det., regular leaf, 1-2.5 oz yellow-orange fruit, the first fruits are seedless, very good taste, sweet." I assume Tatiana's will offer it again in 2010.
"Burstin' " - "Burstyn" - "Bursztyn!"
So, when I go to the thefreedictionary.com to look up the word "serendipity" what do I find??
Certains des meilleurs effets dans mon jardin ont t le fruit d'un heureux hasard. ~ Some of the best effects in my garden have been the result of serendipity.
If this tomato works out, I think I should have that sentence etched in wood, made into a sign and posted at the entrance to my garden!
I remembered something that I'd come across about a tomato variety. Maybe I didn't quite remember it right. Maybe I remembered it right or maybe I should just be happy that I remembered anything!
Anyway! I remembered the name "Burstyn" The name was so remarkable when it occurred to me what (I thought) it meant, that I remembered it. "Bursting" with flavor!! Hey, I got it!
Problem was - I didn't get it. And, I spent probably 2 hours trying to find the darn tomato variety. Today, I just happened on to it . . .
It was a difficult day. I had these things that I really should have done but, my 21 year-old daughter showed up last night sick with a cold and an ear infection. Her boyfriend was out of town so here the poor thing drug herself home . . . probably to infect Mom and Dad . . .
This morning, I talked her into going to a clinic - no seeing her doctor on a Saturday. It took fooooreverrrrr! First off, it was hard getting her out of the house. She didn't feel good. Had to have a bath, allow her hair to dry, have something to drink . . .
Nearly 2 hours in the waiting room. Afterward, we went to the wrong pharmacy. By that time, she was exhausted and I took her home and went off to the other pharmacy, which was packed with customers. It took them nearly an hour to fill the prescription!! I spent 2 hours waiting for her to get ready and nearly 5 hours waiting for our vaunted health care system to come to her rescue!
Then I came home, got on the internet and was reading about tomatoes . . . and there was the name, "Bursztyn" Amber Cherry!! "Very early, large det., regular leaf, 1-2.5 oz yellow-orange fruit, the first fruits are seedless, very good taste, sweet." I assume Tatiana's will offer it again in 2010.
"Burstin' " - "Burstyn" - "Bursztyn!"
So, when I go to the thefreedictionary.com to look up the word "serendipity" what do I find??
Certains des meilleurs effets dans mon jardin ont t le fruit d'un heureux hasard. ~ Some of the best effects in my garden have been the result of serendipity.
If this tomato works out, I think I should have that sentence etched in wood, made into a sign and posted at the entrance to my garden!