I think she must have poked it in the brush. I looked at it and can't see anything in it. it looks pretty bad. I think she may lose that eye. poor baby. I don't know how to help her.
Can you keep her isolated in a darkish spot BJ? Maybe with a buddy? If you can handle her you may be able to wash it out as Cat suggested and then bandage it with something soft ( I'm thinking old t shirt...) Eye injuries are scary, but God has built animals with an amazing capacity to heal. I hope she doesn't lose her eye. Let us know how she does.
if you have a feed store like mine that carries medicines you might be able to get an antibiotic eye ointment for animals. i got one called terramycin ophthalmic ointment a couple years ago. when i worked for an equine clinic we would use it on horses going into surgery to keep gunk out and the eye moist. http://www.drsfostersmith.com/product/prod_display.cfm?pcatid=9674 seems there may be a short supply of this at the moment, so if you can find some sort of eye ointment for people it may be just as good to use as a protectant. if your doe has a scratched eye this will still help her from the pain she may have from just trying to close her eye blinking.
i've had a scratched cornea so i know the pain that can come from an eye injury. it wasn't fun the first day till i got the ointment.
oh, almost forgot, she will be sensitive to light while it is healing. so you do want to give her a place that is dark or shaded a lot from the light.
thanks so much for the posts. I was clueless where to begin. she's better today, but not fine. this is my first step to building my first aid kit for them.