Deeply Rooted
I dont sew ..I can not sew ...I have many talents but sewing ..never going to happen and I know it ..I have killed 6 count them six Singer's myself
so I have given up
but my friend sews
and will make my grandson some garden gloves if I can find a pattern
I would love to have her make them
I know you can buy them but home made is nicer and how I want him to see things done
it is my legacy he will get the fabric take it to her and she will do it ...much nicer than Walmart you know?
anyone know where i can find a cute and durable 3 year old with
GIANT PAWS!!! pattern for her?
I googled it but ended up with a bunch of crap
thank you in advance
so I have given up
but my friend sews

I would love to have her make them
I know you can buy them but home made is nicer and how I want him to see things done
anyone know where i can find a cute and durable 3 year old with

I googled it but ended up with a bunch of crap
thank you in advance