I noticed you all link very useful sites but whenever I need them I can't remember where they are. I thought it would be useful to have them all in place.
I just found out that two of my favorite nursery companies have merged recently. Stark Bros. acquired Miller nurseries, adding over 100 new cultivars to their inventory.
I highly recommend the Appalachian Heirloom Plant Farm despite their high prices. They have many, many very rare heirlooms varieties and all from around Appalachia. I plan on making a big order from them soon as they have a few varieties grown by the Native Americans from around my area like the Miami Green-Spotted squash.
Ohio Heirlooms has some unusual hard to find varieties of tomatoes. They also have other stuff, take a peek...
I don't remember if I've already linked this website to my list or not. They have a nice selection of peppers. (I left it on hot but they also have sweet peppers.)
I'm not sure whether I'd want to try the White Habanero or not. Here's the description...
"White Hot Habanero is definitely worth trying. With a hotness level of 410,000 Scovilles, you too can experience the delightful sensation of having the back of your head blown off. Just kidding (sort of).These novel peppers make a killer white salsa or can be used as you would other habaneros."
for their large variety, good prices on most things (Impatien seed especially), $4.95 flat rate shipping, speed, and I have always had great germination rates. Very good seed starting directions on their site and on the seed packets.