Deeply Rooted
I woman I have recently become friends with lost her home and entire garden, which was also her business, yesterday afternoon to fire. This is the explanation of her garden from her website:
Established in 1996 as The first Organic Garden Center in LA County. We specialize in Fruits, Vegetables and Herbs from around the world as well as from the old world. We have Seeds and seedlings of your favorite old timers like Burbank tomatoes and fruit trees. We also have a large selection of California natives and other plants just made for our Mediteranean climate. Come by for some practical gardening advice or to share some of your own.
This is not only a loss for her personally, but for all of us who have come to depend on Dawn for the plants we grow in our organic gardens. It is believed to have started from fireworks that ignited a eucaluptus tree at another property and the embers spread to Dawn's street. One other home was destroyed as well as several other buildings damaged. Things like this are exactly why fireworks are illegal here.
Established in 1996 as The first Organic Garden Center in LA County. We specialize in Fruits, Vegetables and Herbs from around the world as well as from the old world. We have Seeds and seedlings of your favorite old timers like Burbank tomatoes and fruit trees. We also have a large selection of California natives and other plants just made for our Mediteranean climate. Come by for some practical gardening advice or to share some of your own.
This is not only a loss for her personally, but for all of us who have come to depend on Dawn for the plants we grow in our organic gardens. It is believed to have started from fireworks that ignited a eucaluptus tree at another property and the embers spread to Dawn's street. One other home was destroyed as well as several other buildings damaged. Things like this are exactly why fireworks are illegal here.