Deeply Rooted
So weather is starting to feel spring like. Working on clearing all the dead vines from last year and prep for this year. I also have my local water spigot ready to go- hose, soaker hose, and tree subwater system plumbed in. Trenching across the yard by hand was a pain. I moved the strawberry plants that survived to a metal milkcrate lined with weed fabric. That will be set on cinder blocks in shade from fence. I am moving the entrance to garden area from along fence to next to raised bed. This will allow me to put in some 25gal planter beds in fence shade. They will still be movable if utilities guys need to trench.
Going to try bell peppers, strawberries, cucumber, and watermelons again. Also some lettuce and cabbage in the shade maybe?
My orange is starting to flower but still not getting taller or more branches. Should I let it set fruit this year?
Going to try bell peppers, strawberries, cucumber, and watermelons again. Also some lettuce and cabbage in the shade maybe?
My orange is starting to flower but still not getting taller or more branches. Should I let it set fruit this year?