Garden Master
I added 6 Silver Laced Wyandotte chicks last March. One has started to lay, the rest aren't far behind. They hang out in their own group, not really mingling with the rest of the hens. But this one seems to hold a grudge against squirrels and doesn't want them in the yard. I let the girls out of the coop and run about 3-4 o'clock every afternoon. This evening we watched a squirrel come down a crepe myrtle tree and start digging around in the yard. A SLW pullet stretched out her neck, running at ramming speed, charged the squirrel, who lost no time scampering back up the tree. The pullet stalked around the crepe myrtle tree with her head cocked sideways, looking upward. Satisfied that she showed that squirrel a thing or two, she wandered off.
The squirrel came back down. Across the yard, she spied the interloper and charged again. In a panic, the squirrel leaped for the safety of the tree. We watched the two of them for about 30 minutes, laughing at their antics. The squirrel got braver and got farther from the fence, the pullet ran at him and he ran for a post. He jumped back to the ground, the pullet charged and back up the tree the squirrel went. The pullet lost interest and wandered back to the coop. The squirrel thought he had it made and got careless. The pullet ran at him and almost got close enough to peck him. She did nail a squirrel last week, pecking his head while he ran for the fence. Crazy chicken.
The squirrel came back down. Across the yard, she spied the interloper and charged again. In a panic, the squirrel leaped for the safety of the tree. We watched the two of them for about 30 minutes, laughing at their antics. The squirrel got braver and got farther from the fence, the pullet ran at him and he ran for a post. He jumped back to the ground, the pullet charged and back up the tree the squirrel went. The pullet lost interest and wandered back to the coop. The squirrel thought he had it made and got careless. The pullet ran at him and almost got close enough to peck him. She did nail a squirrel last week, pecking his head while he ran for the fence. Crazy chicken.