I just came across what might be a popular name for a flower shop in some parts of the English-speaking world: Oopsie Daisy!
If you think that a flower shop smells nice you should have experienced what I used to after unloading an 18-wheeler into a wholesale florist building. Then, I'd have all those flowers to process and display! (Actually, if it was a full trailer - I'd have a lot of help .
@murphysranch , you might be tracking my directions home. Silicon Valley, Red Bluff, Merlin ... how about Carmel, Redding, Gold Hill? Okay, next -- take a 2 hour drive on your closest route to the Pacific. Look in dismay at all the overcast skies in Crescent City ... keep going until you get to Arcata, or nearby. For some reason, the sun's out and the wind's down that day! Stay there a couple of years before heading north ... . (Actually, I was retracing my maternal grandparent's travels now, over a century past. Reversing, but on the same routes, for the most part.)
Hubs was born and raised in Crescent City (crescent ****ty) until the day he grad from HS. He moved to Bend, OR. He vowed never to return and hasn't in 45 years except to visit his friends who never escaped. His Mother and her partner escaped CC to Red Bluff in 1970.
I worked in one in the SF Bay area on holidays back in the early 70's. I learned alot, how to make corsages, bows, trim flowers, and more. It was a German couple who owned the shop and I helped during Valentines, Mothers Day and the like.