Garden Master
This year has NOT been kind to my garden. Between dry fall, then frost, lots of rain, freezing, HEAT wave followed my more freezing, then a month long dry spell followed my higher temperatures and a long period of drizzle moisture made for an environment for all manor or pestilence to take their toll. First , I had an invasion of moles that killed off a good half of my step-able thyme lawn substitute, then my River Birch tree was attacked by tent caterpilars and 1/4 of the tree sucombed. I lost my 8' - 10 ' tall Black Lace Elderberries and, 2 of my Japanese Maple trees to verticillium wilt with 3 more showing severe bark loss. All of my 14 kinnikinick were attacked with a killing virus, and 9 of my heathers started to show stem die back and started to die. I pulled 5 mature lavenders due to root damage from the moles. I was in the final stages of digging all of the dead and dying plants and cleaning up and pruning back plants that needed work , when yesterday out of the blue , the Clark County Garden Tour representatives showed up. They said that every garden that they toured was in similar voes but not to worry, they LIKED what they saw of my boulders and remaining plants of what I had left and planned to replant and they invited my garden to again be included in this year's garden tour . So now, off to see my finance minister to finance plant shopping , a chiropractor , consult the old Farmer's Almanac ( kindly provided by NYboy) and dusting off the planting shovel I go.