Garden Addicted

He wasn't a fan of the garden, and surely wasn't a fan of my chickens. He built my raised beds because they made me happy (and he did not want me touching his circular saw or table saw because he just bought them, and well... he liked my fingers attached). As for planting, he's had no involvement and didn't want to help.
However, after the first few months and watching me grow in the house all winter he did tell me he wanted grapes and apple trees... so that was the first sign he cared some. He even planted them himself.
Then yesterday he comes home and told me he had a job about an hour from here, and when he got there to help patch up the problem with their roof he had to walk out into their garden to find the home owners. He saw the guy out there battling with bugs on his Cabbage and trying to stake up his tomato plants. My husband suggested they tried DE for the bugs on the cabbage, and that tomato cages may work better then the small plastic stakes he was trying to use. Then he noticed their corn was all planted in one long row?!?! He pointed out that they should have at least 3 rows wide of corn so they pollinate properly. The guy said they may explain why when he did it last year the same way, he got tons of stalks and not one ear of corn.
OMG! I'm in shock... my husband actually listened and learned!!!

Pardon my shock