Good grief! I would think your garden (and you) would suffer in that kind of heat! I have tons of those wild violets in my woodland garden. They die every year in the winter and come right back in the spring. I bet they will be perky again before too long... I wish I could send you some of our rain. I would be happy to share!
Can you get those beautiful girls some shade? Blue sky is plenty of light for them, at least for those hot days.
112 degrees. That would be far too hot for me. I'd have to sit in a tub of ice water, get a pillow, and sleep during the hottest part of the day and evening. ...and replace the ice occasionally!
maybe move the violets to where they get all day shade (they're not much for sun in our tough environments). really dump them with water for a couple of days. make the soil soggy briefly & then let it dry out well but not bone dry. then water deeply every week or so and give them a mulch covering that will conserve moisture and keep soil temps a little more moderated. a thyme might work well in the sunny spot. they like sun. but with those temps, there's not much that can take it without daily or twice a day watering unless it is well adapted and mature enough that it's roots have gone deep.
good luck with those temps. it's a very challenging environment.