Garden Master
Yesterday was bright, shiny, and in the mid 40s after a blizzard of 1" of snow , blowing winds and freezing temperatures for 2 weeks. So naturally I started to prune the trees in my front yard. My No. 1 helper, a 4 1/2 year old neighbor boy "helped" me prune the trees and helped me move the branches to my driveway so that I could cut them up into little pieces and put them into a recycle bin as the garbage co. will not pick up any limbs or anything else for that matter, if placed near the curb. When we were done, I gave him a coke while we rested and had a nice chat His parents do nothing in their yard other than dad mowing the backyard lawn ( no trees) several times a year. Since dad has a big rig truck repair business and he drives into the back yard with his repair truck every day, his front yard is now gravel that dad put in last fall ) ... he was so proud of himself for doing a "good job" and had to go home to tell his mom all about learning a new skill.