Garden Master
Since we moved to the PNW and purchased a bank owned house which had all trees, shrubs, and other plants besides the weeds being dead and knowing next to nothing about what plants and trees grow the best and with fewest problems in this area, I consulted the Washington State University Vancouver, Wa. master gardeners , and their horticulture professor for advice. They gave me lots of literature, and several master gardeners came over to see my lot and gave me more specific advice that I followed to a "T". I purchased many plants and trees, from their annual sales as well as the annual sale of Friends of the Washington Forest Service Sale. In each case with the native plants and trees, I had the worst results possible... devestated with insect pests, virus, death, 12 inch tall ( now 6 and 8' tall ) young Red Osier Dogwoods that have since brocken off by 1/4 3 times and up to 1/2 twice from the winds in just over 2 1/2 years and now, just yesterday, one of the two that I purchased, blew down in a 20 mph wind and is uprooted.
All of the non native / grafted trees and shrubs that I purchased from nurseries are growing just fine and without issues that the native trees / shrubs/ plants seem to be aflicted with. Evidenced by the Clark County Tour of Gardens selecting my garden twice now. Any thoughts ?