New Respect for Sight!

so lucky

Garden Master
Mar 5, 2011
Reaction score
SE Missouri, Zone 6
Well, It's been nearly three weeks since I last posted, but now am able to see enough to type and read a little. I went to the doctor again today....this is appointment number 6. The infection is gone, but there is damage to my eyes that will just take time to heal.Today the doc said a lot of my continuing problem is due to a serious dry eye condition, which makes eyes suscptible to all kinds of infection. Dry eye is due to the rheumatoid arthritis I have. (I have told my rheumatologist about my dry itchy eyes numerous times, and he just brushes it off) so today the eye doc said tear duct plugs might be all I need to solve the dry eye. So he proceded to insert the plugs then. This was not a painful procedure, in case anybody is putting it off. It would have been about $500 but he didn't charge me nearly that much, since I am without insurance now. I still have to take antibiotics for another month, and continue with artificial tears and the ointment.

I just want to remind everybody to give special thanks for their good eye sight. I had no idea how every aspect of my life would be affected. Couldn't work in the garden; couldn't stand the sunlight. couldn't read the newspaper, books, my forums, medicine bottles. Couldn't see if my chickens are sick...why are they not eating? Or maybe I just can't see how much they ate?? Definitely couldn't drive; still can't. Gotta have Hubs take me to the doc, to visit with my elderly mom, to go to the store. Still can't work on any of my sewing projects or see a recipe. Can't tell if a dish is dirty or clean, or if that is a bug or a brown spot on that apple. At the worst point, I had to be two inches away from the microwave to see the numbers on the buttons. couldn't use my cell phone. I guess maybe if I were to go blind gradually, I would get accustomed to things, have big magnifying glasses, large print books, etc. But to have it come on suddenly is the pits. My forced inactivity even brought on other physical issues so I had to double up on chiropractor visits. (Yes, forced inactivity--I even fell off the treadmill due to not seeing and bad balance) I am so thankful that I will be able to see normally again. But that doesn't keep me from being really ticked off that I have been blind during September, one of the most beautiful months, fall gardening month, harvest month.
Well--my eyes are getting tired from all this seeing, so I'll get off here. Thanks for all the well wishes. I am counting my blessings, and as always, consider myself So Lucky!


Garden Master
Mar 21, 2012
Reaction score
:rose :rose :rose :rose :rose :rose :rose :rose :rose :rose


:frow :frow :frow :frow :frow :frow :frow :frow :frow :frow


Garden Master
Dec 13, 2007
Reaction score
border, ID/WA(!)
It is a good thing you consider yourself "So Lucky" but I am sorry you had to go thru this.

Yes, infections go with rheumatoid arthritis. It seems that every little cut I get on my hands (or anywhere else) becomes infected. Just a minor thing, usually - bothersome, at the least.

Most of the symptoms of RA no longer trouble me. The results of the disease trouble me and I blame almost everything on RA! Yeah! Hearing loss - MD says "probably not" but I'm not accepting that . . . the blown discs and the wild osteoarthritis damage in my back, I'm blaming on RA.

So Lucky, the RA flare-ups began for me, probably, when I was a young child. During that time, there was no good explanation why I was having trouble walking, etc. Things got worse and I didn't think I would live long as I was moving into my late 20's, the flare-ups were so frequent.

I am going to stop typing . . . rest those eyes! Write often, as best you can . . .

Steve :bouquet


Garden Master
Dec 1, 2010
Reaction score
North Idaho 48th parallel
I've been wondering how you were getting along So Lucky. Good to hear that you're on the mend, and thanks for the reminder to be thankful for our vision. :hugs

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