Deeply Rooted
My most favorite garden clogs on earth, Western Chief brand ladybugs, have been discontinued. Now they only make wellies. I will buy the wellies, and last time I bought clogs (about three years ago) I bought a few pairs because I knew that no good piece of clothing ever lasts, but... but... 
I am sure that Crocs being sold everywhere, including in the grocery store, was just too much for them. But Crocs are ugly and clogs made to look like insects are cute. Very disappointed. Now my ladybugs are absolutely done for, and I need new ones.
What kind are good (not Crocs, sorry, they are just too hideous)? Gardener's Supply Co? The Hunter brand on Amazon are pretty, but anything with any kind of heel is right out--I like to wear the garden clogs to walk the doggies, and I've already had a broken foot from lack of support/balance whilst trying to restrain puppy enthusiasm. Muckboots?
Smith & Hawken used to have nice ones, but not anymore--not on their website at least. LL Bean's are not hose-able, and ideally I would want some that are hose-able, decent enough looking that I wouldn't die of embarrassment in the grocery store, and colorful/cute enough that DH would die of embarrassment being seen with me in public. My red ones shaped like ladybugs were perfect in this respect.
Any recommendations?

I am sure that Crocs being sold everywhere, including in the grocery store, was just too much for them. But Crocs are ugly and clogs made to look like insects are cute. Very disappointed. Now my ladybugs are absolutely done for, and I need new ones.
What kind are good (not Crocs, sorry, they are just too hideous)? Gardener's Supply Co? The Hunter brand on Amazon are pretty, but anything with any kind of heel is right out--I like to wear the garden clogs to walk the doggies, and I've already had a broken foot from lack of support/balance whilst trying to restrain puppy enthusiasm. Muckboots?
Smith & Hawken used to have nice ones, but not anymore--not on their website at least. LL Bean's are not hose-able, and ideally I would want some that are hose-able, decent enough looking that I wouldn't die of embarrassment in the grocery store, and colorful/cute enough that DH would die of embarrassment being seen with me in public. My red ones shaped like ladybugs were perfect in this respect.
Any recommendations?