Have you ever tried New Zealand spinach? It's not for everyone. I can't say the taste is in my top ten, but it is a change of pace for mid-summer if you are into cooked greens. It really takes the heat well.
It's not really spinach. You have to cook the leaves to eat it. My onions and garlic will be coming out in the next couple of weeks so I'll put some NZ spinach in then.
My bush beans are about done here too. I'm going to be pulling them this weekend and planting a second batch of beans. We can never have enough green beans around here.
But it's gross! Is there a way to de-slime it? Hubby says I'm never allowed to compare food to cervical mucus ever again, even if it it is an appropriate comparison.
Mamachicken, just pickle your okra and you won't have to worry about slime. It is pretty expensive if you can find it in stores. Oh so good with hot peppers and garlic in them.
I tried that. Hubby (who will eat most anything) said it was awful. When I tried to pick one up it slipped right out of my fingers...like a wet bar of soap.