Garden Master
We got our first snow flurries today. I had two belated hollyhocks still blooming, the latest I have ever seen a hollyhock bloom. (Normally they bloom in June/July here.)
I have a lot of hollyhocks, in many colors and one of these late bloomers is absolutely the most stunning I have seen. It must be a cross of my others, which have been in the bed for 3 years now. This is the first appearance of this delicious color and it also has an impressive size, with blooms measuring 5" across. I could not bear to let the freeze destroy it, so I ran outside last night and cut it to bring in where I could enjoy it in my windowsill just a few more days.
The honeybees and bumblebees have long since retired for the winter, so I have been pollinating this one by hand, hoping to get some plants next year that will hopefully return true.
They are perennial, so at the very least I will be able to enjoy this specimen again next year.
I really fought with my camera and the lighting to get an accurate reproduction of it's fabulous color. This was the closest I could get. It actually appears a bit darker in person. I really need to invest in a better camera! The color reminds me of blackberry wine and I have gotten so much pleasure from this last little remembrance of summer.

I have a lot of hollyhocks, in many colors and one of these late bloomers is absolutely the most stunning I have seen. It must be a cross of my others, which have been in the bed for 3 years now. This is the first appearance of this delicious color and it also has an impressive size, with blooms measuring 5" across. I could not bear to let the freeze destroy it, so I ran outside last night and cut it to bring in where I could enjoy it in my windowsill just a few more days.
The honeybees and bumblebees have long since retired for the winter, so I have been pollinating this one by hand, hoping to get some plants next year that will hopefully return true.

I really fought with my camera and the lighting to get an accurate reproduction of it's fabulous color. This was the closest I could get. It actually appears a bit darker in person. I really need to invest in a better camera! The color reminds me of blackberry wine and I have gotten so much pleasure from this last little remembrance of summer.