gone 2 seed
Chillin' In The Garden
i have 7 zucchini in a row and the middle one appears to be dying. Could it have some type of root rot or bore worm?

Water we have had lots of. how do I keep the other plants from issues 1-3?Ridgerunner said:My reference gives four possible causes of wilting.
1. Squash vine borer - Look for borer holes at the base of the plant with yellowish debris around them.
2. Bacterial wilt - If you try cutting through a stem and a thick ooze is present, it is bacterial wilt.
3. Nematodes - If there is swelling on the roots, there problem is root-knot nematodes.
4. Needs water - If you don't find evidence of the above, then chceck soil moisture. Water if the soil is dry morethan 3" below the surface.