Garden Addicted
Would pick up a tomato horn worm and want to pet it. My little 3 y.o. daughter LOVES to go to the garden with me. She LIVES to help and the garden is no exception. She thinks going out and picking tomatoes with her Daddy is a treat and I love every minute she's out there with me.
So we're out picking tomatoes and I hear my daughter talking about how cute you are, and you need to meet Daddy. I turn around hoping she's talking to a tomato and see she's holding a big fat green tomato worm. And of course Id seen the damage he'd already inflicted on one of my nicer Better Boy tomatoes a couple days ago and was not thrilled with his antics. So I explain to my daughter how he was eating our tomatoes and before I can get any further she tells me that he's being rude for trying to eat all our tomatoes and that makes "us" grumpy. Mind you these are her words, I especially noticed how "we" were grumpy, not just me. So thinking quickly I ask her if she wants to go see the chickens. Our neighbor has a bunch of red sex-linked layers and a couple EEs, so I ask her if she wants to go feed the worm to the chickens? Then I get all the pleases and yes rained down on me like only an excited 3 y.o. can make happen. So off we go and toss him to the chickens. The ensuing high speed pursuit of the little EE that grabbed that tomato worm first, was so funny to her she had to sit down she was laughing so hard.
I really didn't want her to see me squish it I figured the chicken antics might help distract her from the fact that the worm was no more. So of course since then she's been looking for tomatoes AND tomato worms because feeding them to the chickens were so much fun.
With as much fun as that was I figured folks here would appreciate the story and get a kick out of it.
So we're out picking tomatoes and I hear my daughter talking about how cute you are, and you need to meet Daddy. I turn around hoping she's talking to a tomato and see she's holding a big fat green tomato worm. And of course Id seen the damage he'd already inflicted on one of my nicer Better Boy tomatoes a couple days ago and was not thrilled with his antics. So I explain to my daughter how he was eating our tomatoes and before I can get any further she tells me that he's being rude for trying to eat all our tomatoes and that makes "us" grumpy. Mind you these are her words, I especially noticed how "we" were grumpy, not just me. So thinking quickly I ask her if she wants to go see the chickens. Our neighbor has a bunch of red sex-linked layers and a couple EEs, so I ask her if she wants to go feed the worm to the chickens? Then I get all the pleases and yes rained down on me like only an excited 3 y.o. can make happen. So off we go and toss him to the chickens. The ensuing high speed pursuit of the little EE that grabbed that tomato worm first, was so funny to her she had to sit down she was laughing so hard.
I really didn't want her to see me squish it I figured the chicken antics might help distract her from the fact that the worm was no more. So of course since then she's been looking for tomatoes AND tomato worms because feeding them to the chickens were so much fun.
With as much fun as that was I figured folks here would appreciate the story and get a kick out of it.