Garden Master
"The Comumbian" Dec. 27, 2015 ... The state of Oregon will be spraying 8,000 acres in and around Portland, Ore.with biological pesticides to destroy the Asian gysy moth. This moth is a huge threat to timber loging , Christmas tree industries, as well as other agricultural products. They hitched a ride into Portland Sea Port and are spreading. Also, Washington is considering spraying the biological pesticide on 10,500 acres in and around 7 sites in Western Washingtonincluding Kent, Tacoma, Vacouver,and Seattle. Areal spraying of pesticides has been controvercial in the past. In 2000 , Washington's spraying in Seattle neighborhoods braught out passionate opposition. They even filed a law suit in King County /superior court to stop the aerial insecticide sraying which they lost. What is the insecticide that is so dangerous and cause such an uproar you ask ? How about bacillus thuringiensis kurstaki commonly known as Btk ! This bacterium is commonly found in our soils , and is approved for use in "organic " farming. when sprayed on follage , it kills the moths' larvae after it eats the follage.