Since I already answered the POT#1, I will say that I edit usually for spelling and let the dumb stuff I said stay. Because if it's really dumb hopefully I've already deleted it.
Again, seldom should have been one of the options. I have edited to correct spelling errors, although, spell check does a good job, and a few times to clarify things like: I had my mother for lunch yesterday [CHANGED TO] I had my mother over to eat lunch with me yesterday. I do like to be concise.
In a report on Yale University library's choices for "quotes of the year," AP has an interesting quote from a Yale librarian.
" ... the 10th annual "Yale Book of Quotations" list of most notable quotes, released Tuesday, doesn't necessarily contain the most "eloquent or admiral quotations," but rather ones that were chosen because they were famous, important or particularly revealing of the spirit of the times."
"Admiral?" "ADMIRAL!"
I think the auto-correct on either the Yale or AP side drifted off course! However, it happens to me often.
Sitting down at the PC the other day, I was surprised how quickly I was copying text from a library book. It underlines for spellcheck but I had only a few in a page from the book. Olde digitS' is still a fairly speedy typist, as well .
By comparison, my activity and accuracy on the tablet's touch screen is lame! Auto-correct is both a crutch and an impediment ...
Steve gotta edit, relying on my olde eyes and hasty cognition