Garden Master

What is wrong with this picture?
It was taken just a short distance from where I once lived. The deception? The growing season was only about 90 days!
I lived just off the Bunco Road. I should have known
Some of the old timers told me that frost could actually occur in any month. There was never a frost in July while I lived and gardened there but I really had to move to a lower elevation to satisfy life's imperatives.
You should know that I once had frost damage at the end of August in another garden that should officially have had a growing season of 150 days. Really, the growing season for the warm weather crops was over after that light frost. The weather never warmed enough before frost killed them a week or so later.
And, this area has a zone 5 winter! It goes to show you that the severity of winter cold does not necessarily translate to the length of the frost-free season. Zone designations can be deceiving