Planning and starting a flower bed in Alabama


Nov 15, 2011
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We are somewhere between zone 7a and 7b, and we're in a bit of a valley so winters can be a bit frosty.
Our bed is in the center of our yard, full sun. (Brutal full sun in the dead of summer.) It was our vegetable garden for a long while, till I gave up with that. Now it's kind of an ugly eyesore smack in the middle of our property, which I have taken it upon myself to remedy.
We are planning to make it a teared or layered bed, it's going to be fairly large either way. I would love a beautiful butterfly garden, I would also like it to be a semi year round thing. We were thinking mixing some perennials, some evergreens and grasses.

Not a clue where to begin! I have already hit the books, although they haven't been much help. Our location is weird, too hot and too cool. Nothing seems to like it in our weather limbo. I have already killed many a recommended plant and am beginning to feel our situation is a tad hopeless.
We do have some garden experience though, but the problem is it's all from the north. We gardened in New York and that appears to be a completely different ball game.
The major difference being, aside from the heat, the bugs! They love to eat everything and crush dreams.

Anyways, I thought I might as well come on and ask, see who has had luck with what down here.
Flower and plant wise; we have a few hummingbirds and butterflies come by now and again, I would love to attract more of them, but I also want foliage. And 4 seasons of it. Am I asking too much here? Is it even possible, or have I just flipped through too many magazines?

And a few more specific questions.

What should I look at putting in over the course of the next few months, if anything?

Bulbs, I love bulbs and I really want to put a few in the bed. Are there any that can take our sun and milder winters and still flower yearly?

And colorful grasses. I have seen some around that turn bright red and orange in fall, in books of course. They are somewhat small, I would love to have colors like that in the fall.

I would love to hear from anybody who's had experience with flower beds down here. Particularly full sun ones.
And thank you for reading this rather erratic, question filled post. I hope some of what I am asking made sense! :p I am just so lost with this whole southern gardening thing and filled with too many ideas for my own good.


Garden Master
Mar 21, 2012
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We have us some fine southern region gardeners in here! Some in Texas, Louisiana, and around. Hopefully they will check out your questions and give some experience.

You want some butterfly attractors that are tough as nails for hot sun in summer, full sun and a lot of 20 degree and colder nights in winter.