I bought an Emerald and a Primadina blueberry bush (one of each) yesterday. Is it okay to plant these in large pots? I want to make sure I don't limit the root growth.
Correct me if I am wrong- but I thought you needed a male and female of each species??
If you don't have a place to plant them in the ground- I say try the containers. With a big enough pot you should have some success. Are these mature specimens? I got tiny ones and probably won't see fruit for another couple of years...
Good luck! Let us know how it works out for you!
Lesa, I'm pretty sure blueberries are self-fruitful, but you get a bigger yield if you have more than one variety.
Citychick, they should be fine in large pots. Blueberries have a shallow root system so if you put mulch over the root area they'll appreciate it.
I'm hoping for an improvement in mine this year. They've been sulking and looking a little peaked so I need to investigate what's going on with them. Fresh blueberries off your own bushes are so tasty!