Playmates Help Mom


Garden Master
Aug 22, 2012
Reaction score
SW Washington
Our daugher just called me to tell me a tale of the latest playmate episode. A week ago Sat., the playmates (22 months old) helped mom (our daughter ) bake a cake for their cousin's 2nd birthday. :) They all had loads of FUN :celebrate and didn't want to go home after the birthday party. :eek: Yesterday afternoon, mom took the playmates grocery shopping for this week's meals. About 7:30 , mom put jammies on the playmates, gave them their evening bottles , put them in their beds to go to sleep. Mom then decides to take a shower. Playmate A or was it B sits up and decides sleepy time has not arrived and starts to climb out of bed closely followed by the other, they climb over the stair case barrier gate, and down into the kitchen where they open the refrigerator and pull out a flat of eggs ... CRASH and a bunch of Humpty- Dumpties can't be put back together again. :oops: Need milk... CRASH as a gallon of cow sqeezings spill onto the floor. :rolleyes: Yogurt would add some texture, so a 6 pack is added. :confused: How about 2 baskets of strawberries to add some color. :cool: Hey we need some pots and pans. :p In come their 3 dogs, a German Shepherd, Boston Terrior and an old Chihuahua who immediately try to help to clean up the mess . Wouldn't it be fun to give the GS an egg and milk shmapoo ? :thumbsup Sis, can you hand me another egg so I can mix it all up just like mommy showed us how to do it. ;) Just then MOM comes down stairs to see what is going on. The dogs immediately exit through the living room and out the doggie door, spreading egg mixture all over the carpet and couch. playmate B says to mom ... CAKE ! :drool Mom couln't help but laugh, :lol: starts to turn on the kitchen faucet to put warm water into the kitchen sink, strip the playmates to their birthday suits and plop them into the water, :celebrate then clean the kitchen floor so that she wouln't slip while carruing the playmates. Then she gave the playmates a bath, took them back to bed. Mom then whent back down stairs to finish cleaning the LR carpet and couch, finish cleaning the kitchen floor, cabinets, walls, refrigerator then whent after the dogs to give each one a bath. ... Hey where did the night go ? :idunno PAYBACK !!! We had 3 Dennis the Menace type of kids ( her and her 2 older brothers) to raise ... now daughter understands. :hugs


Garden Master
Mar 20, 2011
Reaction score
Trinity County Texas
Are you saying she's paying for her raising? :lol::lol::lol:

She should have got that on video. That would have been the $10,000 winner, and won the grand prize of $100,000!!

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