cluckin in memphis
Ok, in january I acquired 6 buff orpingtons and have been eagerly collecting their poop to use in my really over dreamed garden for the spring. I have already started my tomatoes, broccoli, brussell sprouts, cabbage, peppers, herbs, and a few flowers indoors waiting for the weather to make up it's mind. We had 4 inches of snow yesterday and it was nearly 80 last weekend. Yeah for the south! I have seed for corn, cucumbers, beans, peas, carrots, squashes, and lord knows whatelse. I am wondering how long to let the poop compost before I spread the love around? Also, the poop is composting with leaves, some bedding straw, egg shells, and vegetable kitchen scraps. Is that going to effect the time it takes to decompose in a bad way? Hope everyone's gardens are coming along nicely! 
Jimmy in Memphis, TN Proud papa of 6 Golden Girls and a Sweet little Mutt named Tobey.
Jimmy in Memphis, TN Proud papa of 6 Golden Girls and a Sweet little Mutt named Tobey.