i have a 1918 magazine/newspaper to 'Plant a War Garden'. this isn't my listing but it is the cover of the one i have. i found mine locally about 10 years or so ago at an old book store that had burned down a few weeks after i got it. guess i could say i 'saved' it from a horrible demise. http://www.ebay.com/itm/The-Youths-...390414071535?pt=Magazines&hash=item5ae67df6ef
If you go back to the beginning of the "foreign" wars, half the American civilian population was on farms. People had use for children and when the young men went off to war, the ability of the nation to feed itself and them was compromised. People were encouraged to grow as much of their food as possible.
I have a picture of my mom in her newly-planted victory garden (i'll look for it). My grandmother's garden in Canada was in the shape of a "V" even tho' she had all sorts of room around it to make it any shape she wanted. It was the '60's before I saw it and hadn't been cultivated in about 15 years but you could still see the outlines.
What a cutie your mom was Steve. I guess it is only right that you are walking in the footsteps of your mom and grandma.
The apple doesn't fall far from the tree does it?