Garden Master
This year, about every other week , the TV news have been reporting cougars and bears have been sighted in Portland, Ore. residential areas and the reporters have been saying that this is due to global warming. Now, I have proof... We live about 20 miles North of Portland, Ore. . Just a few minutes ago this morning a mother raccoon and FIVE half grown raccoons in tow was seen by yours truly in OUR BACK YARD !!!!!!
I have never seen any wildlife in our subdivision other than birds and feral cats. Since I now have visual proof , should I call the TV news since cougars or bears have not been seen in Vancouver, Wa. and our subdivision small town which is directly across the Columbia River from Portland, Ore. ?
There is about a 40 acre woods directly across the road from our back yard. This year , a new subdivision of 5 acres of this woods being built. A new church was finished being built this spring on another 2 acres of the woods. Another church purchased 5 acres of the woods directly across the road from us to build a parking lot for it's church as well as a coffee/ breakfast restaurant . All last week, they had a crew weedeating weeds, ferns, and other underbrush on their acreage. I don't know that this activity could possibly make the raccoons seek refuge in our subdivision from human activity and since the TV reporters can't be wrong, it MUST BE global warming . Should I call the TV news stations and confirm their reports that it is creeping farther North ?