Garden Master
After three years of cultivation it appeared that I would soon be pickling my first batch of olives. Yesterday I was looking at the plump green olives on my Picholine tree thinking: It won't be long now. Today, every one the olives is gone, along with the tips of several branches. The growing tips of my tomato plants have been chewed off, additionally several large green tomatoes have a single bite missing, all of the figs are long gone also.
Today I installed chicken wire around the deck rails to prevent these destructive creatures from poking their head through, and, I placed the two remaining trees with olives back in the greenhouse.
I sprayed a liquid on the tomatoes plants that is supposed to deter almost every type of critter, including deer.
Other than that, there is not much else I can do. There is no hunting within miles of our house and never will be. A large golf course nearby gives them plenty of room to live and breed so they live the good life around here. Every night a herd of deer wander though the property causing destruction at will.