Garden Master
i was shelling beans out and sometimes when picking beans i am also weeding and putting those weeds in the same box flat as the bean pods. when bringing in the flat i try to get all the weeds out and put into a weed bucket but not always get all of them so some of the seeds may show up in the chaff at the bottom of the flat.
the first picture is of the Purslane seeds - they are large enough and distinctive enough that i can see them:
in contrast there are some smaller weed seeds which i think are Carpet Weed seeds - while i may have a chance of seeing Purslane seeds on the ground if they fall off the plant when a seed capsule breaks open, i don't think i have much of a chance to see these smaller and lighter colored seeds:
i'm glad the camera and the photo editing program lets me see them better.
i need a magnifier or microscope...
the first picture is of the Purslane seeds - they are large enough and distinctive enough that i can see them:

in contrast there are some smaller weed seeds which i think are Carpet Weed seeds - while i may have a chance of seeing Purslane seeds on the ground if they fall off the plant when a seed capsule breaks open, i don't think i have much of a chance to see these smaller and lighter colored seeds:

i'm glad the camera and the photo editing program lets me see them better.