I kept a large box fan in the window of the coop where Rusty lived. It drew cool air from near the ground through the pop door and out the window. Had to go that way or chicken dust would have done him in. It worked to keep the coop cooler than outside, and it was moving air.
As long as Harvey is able to move in and out of the air stream at will, he should be cooler with the fan. Personally, I like frozen bottles for my bunny to cozy up to.
a coworker of mine says she keep a 12"x12" cement patio block in the hutch for her rabbit. says it works 2 ways, to keep a cool spot for the bun & so bun can file down it's claws when it scratches it.
Use a plastic bowl, like a Cool Whip bowl, fill with water and freeze. Pop it out of the bowl and put it in his pen. He can snuggle up to it and chomp on the ice. If you put the bowl in there, he will chew it to bits. Keep several bowls in the freezer so you never run out. Due to your set up, I'd skip the fan.
I use a box fan with an extension cord for the chickens during the extreme heat. It has sat out there in all kinds of rain storms, running all the while. I don't know why it has lasted so long. Of course the extension cords are the orange kind, for outdoor use, but still...
I moved hutch on to my patio, has a awning for shade and electrical outlet. Didn't really want animal I have for manure next to sitting and eating area but his health comes 1st. Not sure friends would agree.
Just design a box for berry collection under his hutch, and a screen of some kind to go around the legs of the hutch to keep it out of sight. You can sprinkle it with diatomaceous earth or Sweet PDZ which is a stall deodorizer that is safe on plants. Out of sight and smell hopefully.