Ready to go so come on, Spring!!!


Deeply Rooted
Mar 14, 2010
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Near Statesville, NC (Iredell County)
Can't wait for spring. The garden has been cleaned out and I put down straw over all the boxes back in November. Today I'm going by Southern States Co-op to pick up a flat each of Dutch and Chinese cabbage, collards, brussell sprouts, etc. and have them ready to go in some of the boxes in about two weeks. Maybe sooner. Today's their first delivery of early spring plants. Last Sunday I started a flat of tomatoes in the house and they're under grow lights. I've also started a flat of romaine lettuce. I've not had a lot of luck with starting lettuce or cabbage in the house but I'm an eternal optimist so I'll keep trying.

Come on, Spring!!!


Deeply Rooted
Jan 4, 2012
Reaction score
Central MN, Zone 3/4 Border
I think you'll both see it before me! I'm hoping to get my tomatoes and peppers in by the second week of May like last year but this snow and cold is telling me otherwise. I love spring because it is such a busy time. I can't do anything with my beds until the snow melts and the ground unthaws. I have to put in compost and level out the ground. I have to build another raised bed. Oh and take care of hundereds of seedlings and sell them before they get too big. AND- I will be butchering 60 chickens in there somewhere as well. I have to make a to-do list somewhere so I don't forget anything!


Garden Master
Nov 10, 2008
Reaction score
Exciting! You are getting close! Spring is still just a dream in my neighborhood. How are your bees doing?


Garden Master
Dec 13, 2007
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border, ID/WA(!)
It isn't freezing this morning . . . but, the steady 15mph wind is blowing the chimney smoke horizontal in the neighborhood.

Despite the wind and maybe because of it, there is kind of a "promise" of spring here.

I really should grow some Chinese cabbage this year. It does fine if kept under the plastic until the hoophouse is pulled down in late June. Kind of big plants tho' and I've got to think about where they will go in there. Premium growing space, you know ;).



Chillin' In The Garden
Oct 7, 2012
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I'm with you! I'm SO ready to see more than 10 hours of sun each day. Plus my seed order came yesterday from Bountiful Gardens. That's the last of my impending orders except 2 new apple trees. I poured through everything and found 2 different things I can start in about 2 weeks...woohoo!!! How exciting to get your fingers dirty for the first time in a season.

The chickens are still loose in the main garden area, scratching, turning and fertilizing for us. We'll leave them till about the end of March, then move them off and let the area rest for a month before planting. In the meantime, we're busy with projects...DH is working on getting the rabbitry area made...has to remove the fence, put in a knee wall and load lots of dirt to level it for use, then roof the area and build the rack for the cages. Then we need to rig up a pergola sort of affair over the back deck (southern exposure and beastly hot out there most of the summer). We've got one grape vine out there now that needs more height so we can train that, plus when we prune it (almost time) I want to start another few plants for more shade. Then we have to drag some pallets home so we can put in more compost areas. Lots to do, and the weather is almost cooperative (though we're supposed to have more of the white stuff this weekend ;( But just can hardly wait to get out and actually get my mitts in the dirt! :)


Garden Master
Dec 1, 2010
Reaction score
North Idaho 48th parallel
Yes, I'm itching for spring too! Like Steve, HPQ and Lesa it's still just a dream, but yesterdays light rain made it smell springish.

I had to drive into town yesterday, and you know what I saw? Do you wanna know what I SAW???
I saw DIRT!! I Know! Actual DIRT in some peoples yards! I'm still staring at 2 plus feet of snow. Made me jealous.
But I did find my stash of seeds and made a ridiculously huge list of what I want to plant.


Garden Master
Mar 20, 2011
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Trinity County Texas
I planted the english peas I had started in flats in the house. It was a gorgeous sunny day yesterday, so I got 'em in the ground. I dug grass out of the new bed I am planning. I am going to try my hand at corn. I have never grown corn here in the front yard cause it takes up so much room. But.... I don't have anything else better to do. I measured with the vehicles where to stop so I didn't plant all the way to the street and create traffic view blockers for backing out of the driveway.

Today is drizzly and the rest of the week will be the same. So I am cooking. I picked lettuce and made a salad. I picked broccoli and another one of my fabulous carrots to make a salad with for tonight. I picked small walnut sized turnips and gave the buggy tops to the chickens. I pulled some green onions and have them trimmed up. I just fixed lunch for me and my Mom, canned vegetable soup made last summer from tomatoes, zuchinni, yellow squash, onions, green beans, garlic, basil and rosemary. And a thick slice of home made wheat bread slathered in butter and honey. :drool And yes, it was delicious!

I will make a lemon chess pie for dinner tonight and one to stick in the freezer for dinner at church on Sunday. I may even make dinner rolls for supper tonight. When I am really bored, DH and Mom eat really good! :lol:


Deeply Rooted
Jan 4, 2012
Reaction score
Central MN, Zone 3/4 Border
I'm with you on the boredom cooking! Today I am making Swedish meatballs, mashed potatoes, canned green beans from the garden, and also a chocolate brownie/pudding type thing that you eat on ice cream. The worst part? Josh works until 2am so I am home alone for dinner :( Maybe i'll invite my parents over for dinner...

baymule said:
I planted the english peas I had started in flats in the house. It was a gorgeous sunny day yesterday, so I got 'em in the ground. I dug grass out of the new bed I am planning. I am going to try my hand at corn. I have never grown corn here in the front yard cause it takes up so much room. But.... I don't have anything else better to do. I measured with the vehicles where to stop so I didn't plant all the way to the street and create traffic view blockers for backing out of the driveway.

Today is drizzly and the rest of the week will be the same. So I am cooking. I picked lettuce and made a salad. I picked broccoli and another one of my fabulous carrots to make a salad with for tonight. I picked small walnut sized turnips and gave the buggy tops to the chickens. I pulled some green onions and have them trimmed up. I just fixed lunch for me and my Mom, canned vegetable soup made last summer from tomatoes, zuchinni, yellow squash, onions, green beans, garlic, basil and rosemary. And a thick slice of home made wheat bread slathered in butter and honey. :drool And yes, it was delicious!

I will make a lemon chess pie for dinner tonight and one to stick in the freezer for dinner at church on Sunday. I may even make dinner rolls for supper tonight. When I am really bored, DH and Mom eat really good! :lol:

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