Attractive To Bees
I love TheEasyGarden! Everyone is really friendly, there's lots of good information, the website runs great, but there's one thing I'd like to ask for; articles!
Would it be at all possible to get articles on TEG like there is on BYC and BYH? It would make it so much easier to find advice on, let's say, growing carrots. It would be cool on SS too, but is that too much to ask for?
I know you Staff Members work really hard to make this amazing website work and all (thank you!), but if you have a little extra time would you please at least consider?
Would it be at all possible to get articles on TEG like there is on BYC and BYH? It would make it so much easier to find advice on, let's say, growing carrots. It would be cool on SS too, but is that too much to ask for?
I know you Staff Members work really hard to make this amazing website work and all (thank you!), but if you have a little extra time would you please at least consider?