Garden Master
Bee, read article you attached. Extra deer are harvested during a regulated hunting season. You can get the permits at any time. You can only use them during regulated times. Same as Indiana.
Please trust me on this one....I've applied for the permit personally, working closely with my DNR office and filled the the summer, when the deer were eating the crop. All very legal, with permission. Please read the part of the article I explains it all. Not poaching. I repeat, not poaching....with permission.
These are not "extra deer"...they are specifically taken to prevent crop damage to farmer's crops and not part of the hunting season at all. You don't even have to have a hunting license to use the permits and harvest the deer.
Read carefully.....
Wildlife damage permits are another option available to the landowner. If the herd cannot be reduced during the regular hunting season through sport hunting, provisions are available for obtaining permits from the DNR to remove deer which cause damage. Specific information is available from your local DNR conservation officer. Although crop damage is an attractive alternative and can be effective at removing specific offending animals, it can require significant amounts of time.