Garden Addicted
I am so sad today!
Yesterday I put my four hens out early in the morning to play in the chicken tractor. As always I moved the tractor around to give them some grass weeds to eat. Our recent rain has made lots of nice weeds in the yard.
Anyhow, I lost track of time while doing other things, and they were in the sun too long. Two of my Buff Orpingtons couldn't take the heat. My Barred Rocks were fine. But, Ophelia was already dead when I went out to check them. And poor Olivia died in my arms as I was attempting to cool her off with water from the hose.
I feel so HORRIBLE today. I keep crying. It was completley preventable! I am so sorry I didn't put them back in the coop when it started to get warm. I am just heart broken!
For those in warm climates, please learn from my stupidity...
Some photos of my beloved Ophelia and Olivia for a Memorial.
Olivia and Ophelia as a chicks.
First Day Home
Three days old
As young Pullets
As Hens
Ophelia being camera shy.
And last one that makes me really sad.
Me holding Olivia. earlier this year.
Now I have my two Barred Rocks, Rosalind and Roxanne, and Roxanne is egg bound.. or something... her tush is all swollen. I have tried to help her by warm water soaks, massage of her swollen tush, nothing helps, I feel no egg up there, she is eating and drinking and pecking just like normal.
This is not a good day!

Yesterday I put my four hens out early in the morning to play in the chicken tractor. As always I moved the tractor around to give them some grass weeds to eat. Our recent rain has made lots of nice weeds in the yard.
Anyhow, I lost track of time while doing other things, and they were in the sun too long. Two of my Buff Orpingtons couldn't take the heat. My Barred Rocks were fine. But, Ophelia was already dead when I went out to check them. And poor Olivia died in my arms as I was attempting to cool her off with water from the hose.
I feel so HORRIBLE today. I keep crying. It was completley preventable! I am so sorry I didn't put them back in the coop when it started to get warm. I am just heart broken!
For those in warm climates, please learn from my stupidity...
Some photos of my beloved Ophelia and Olivia for a Memorial.
Olivia and Ophelia as a chicks.
First Day Home
Three days old

As young Pullets

As Hens

Ophelia being camera shy.

And last one that makes me really sad.
Me holding Olivia. earlier this year.

Now I have my two Barred Rocks, Rosalind and Roxanne, and Roxanne is egg bound.. or something... her tush is all swollen. I have tried to help her by warm water soaks, massage of her swollen tush, nothing helps, I feel no egg up there, she is eating and drinking and pecking just like normal.
This is not a good day!