Garden Addicted
I have a feeling you all are going to tell me no... but thought I'd ask.
My Don Jaun Climbing rose has black spot and I've been cutting off infecting leaves and stems. I've been treating it with anti-fungal since I caught it last year. It seemed to be doing ok. I did one fungal treatment over the winter. It is now filling back out, new leaves, ect. I went to go spray again and low and behold, I've noticed more and more infected stems. I cleared the ground around it and fertilized, but apparently its out of control.
Can I keep trimming and treating and hope.... or do I just need to remove this gorgeous climbing I've come to love.
My Don Jaun Climbing rose has black spot and I've been cutting off infecting leaves and stems. I've been treating it with anti-fungal since I caught it last year. It seemed to be doing ok. I did one fungal treatment over the winter. It is now filling back out, new leaves, ect. I went to go spray again and low and behold, I've noticed more and more infected stems. I cleared the ground around it and fertilized, but apparently its out of control.
Can I keep trimming and treating and hope.... or do I just need to remove this gorgeous climbing I've come to love.