Broke Down Ranch
Deeply Rooted
I feel fall in the air. Our low last night/this morning was 51 and I fear our first frost is not far off. I'm SO not ready for it - I have about 10 billion little greenie tomatoes out there and we won't even TALK about the cauliflower I planted in April that is now almost 4' tall and nary a head! Is there such a thing as a cauliflower tree??
I know there are many out there that have already had hard freezes and I am sorry that your season is long over. But I take heart in knowing that with fall in the air spring is just around the corner and before I know it I will be starting my little seeds in my little greenhouse praying for an early last-frost.....
I know there are many out there that have already had hard freezes and I am sorry that your season is long over. But I take heart in knowing that with fall in the air spring is just around the corner and before I know it I will be starting my little seeds in my little greenhouse praying for an early last-frost.....