so lucky
Garden Master
Dealing with impacted anal glands is no fun, certainly not for the dog. And the covid-19 arrangements for vet visits is stressful. I have been going through that, too. I feel like there are questions that need to be asked, that I don't think of, during that 15 second phone call. Are you supposed to take Sentry back to the vet to check on the anal gland healing? We were taking Penny back every couple months to have the vet drain the glands, which is very painful for Penny. At least she acts like it is painful. Maybe she is a drama queen, but she is now scared to go into the vet's. Eventually the amount of what ever nasty substance was in the gland was lessening each time we went in, so I let it go longer, and now she has impaction again. Bummer. There is an operation available, for a few thousand $$.
I guess I was on a break from TEG when this mess with Sentry started, so I was not aware of your struggle, Bay. Good luck, and I will be following your difficult journey.
I guess I was on a break from TEG when this mess with Sentry started, so I was not aware of your struggle, Bay. Good luck, and I will be following your difficult journey.