Garden Master
State of Washington supreme court mandated that all of it's public schools be fully funded. This is to pay for every student program in Washington schools, including those that are illegal immigrants So the State Legislators passed a bill to finally do so. In the meantime, most of the local school districts made a furious push to increase school construction, school program funding, etc. bonds this last Nov. and again this last March, which would be ON TOP of the court mandated one . Our school bonds for this district were soundly rejected both times. There was also many different bond proposals depending on the districts too. Now as we open our property tax bill, Washington property owners we find that our tax rate has gone up between $0.42 per $1,000 assessed value to $2.76 per $1,000 assessed value. Our tax bill has a TAX INCREASE of 52.8% for this year.
Can you suddenly pay that type of increase when you DO NOT have any increase in your paycheck ?