Vfem, that one with the bee would make an excellent pic of the week! Very beautiful photography!
I had pulled some ox-eyed daisies from the side of the road last year and transplanted them to my flower bed, but they didn't seem to want to thrive there and I gave up on them. This year they came back and are very lush and healthy! I'm overjoyed to have these smaller daisies along with my Shastas.
We have smaller daisies that thrive out by the tree line at the back of the property. I use those in my bouquets as we don't like to cut them back. The shastas are in my flower bed and they come on full force after my columbine is done.
The line up next to my snapdragons so the intense white and red combo is awesome.
I am having a WAY good time taking photos, so you'll have to excuse me.