Garden Addicted
Here is the progress so far to date:
The cattle panel I put in last year with the silverlace vine..I put morning glories on the bare piece of fence but they haven't come up much yet
a little flowery corner that needs weeding but makes me smile anyway...
my whiskey barrel waterfall that I FINALLY got put back together...
and now for the problem child...I have a rock planter full of raspberries and there is a round bottomless trough near it, full of blackberries...not planned that way, but it happened.
that big green lump in the foreground is a grapevine...
and the teensy tiny lump on the bottom is the other grapevine. Between said grapevines is the path I walk on and drag my wagon with the heavy milking machine and the calf bottles every morning and night ....
There are 2 grapes catty-corner from one another that were SUPPOSED to grow up heavy posts to cover a pergola, but the "Procrastinator" is not going to get said structure in, in my you
A) move the grapes somewhere else
B) move them down out of utter frustration or slaughter them where they lay
C) just put t-posts and wire in and let them grow along the though they were a fence on either side of the path...
D) other option
Thanks for your input. It's making me crazy, and that is a VERY short trip!
The cattle panel I put in last year with the silverlace vine..I put morning glories on the bare piece of fence but they haven't come up much yet
a little flowery corner that needs weeding but makes me smile anyway...
my whiskey barrel waterfall that I FINALLY got put back together...
and now for the problem child...I have a rock planter full of raspberries and there is a round bottomless trough near it, full of blackberries...not planned that way, but it happened.
that big green lump in the foreground is a grapevine...
and the teensy tiny lump on the bottom is the other grapevine. Between said grapevines is the path I walk on and drag my wagon with the heavy milking machine and the calf bottles every morning and night ....
There are 2 grapes catty-corner from one another that were SUPPOSED to grow up heavy posts to cover a pergola, but the "Procrastinator" is not going to get said structure in, in my you
A) move the grapes somewhere else
B) move them down out of utter frustration or slaughter them where they lay
C) just put t-posts and wire in and let them grow along the though they were a fence on either side of the path...
D) other option
Thanks for your input. It's making me crazy, and that is a VERY short trip!