Garden Master
Hi Everyone!
I completed my first seed order over the last few days and will now keep my fingers crossed that those tomato & pepper seeds will make it here to go in the starter mix in about 3 weeks. There'll be some flower seed too but the peppers especially need an early start. Mmmmmm boy, Italian sweet peppers and ripe tomatoes. Maybe I can have some out of the freezer soon in a big bowl of soup or some pasta sauce!
Okay, I understand that . . . good food! And, the exercise and fresh air along with the spirit-nourishing experience of being productive are worth the cost of seed and effort. What other benefits do I get from all this gardening?
Two recent reports in medical journals are really encouraging! They promise more healthy years from doing very little more than what I want to do anyway!! And, that's the way to think of it - more years of health! (An immortality fruit has yet to reach harvest in my garden
So what do I get if I have a few healthy behaviors like being current non-smoking, not physically inactive, moderate in alcohol intake, and a blood vitamin C level consistent with a fruit and vegetable intake of at least five servings a day?? (Some of these researchers don't have a lot of trust in the reporting by the subjects in their research
The lives and lifestyles of over 20,000 men and women were studied:Consistent across sex, age, body mass index, and social class - - relative risks for all-cause mortality show that the impact of this healthy lifestyle is equivalent to 14 years of life!!
And with all those Italian peppers and ripe tomatoes - is there a special benefit there? Well, maybe! Combined with,
_ An abundance of food from all plant sources
_ Minimally processed foods
_ Limited saturated fats and fats in general
_ Dairy products consumed daily
_ Fish and poultry consumed in low to moderate amounts
_ Red meat consumed in very low amounts
_ Limited number of egg yolks
_ Low to moderate alcohol consumption
_ Along with some of that "regular physical activity"
I've got the "traditional Mediterranean diet" without half trying! A new report on old folks shows that men and women who followed the diet most closely were 21 to 22 percent less likely to have died for any reason over a 10 year period than were those who did not follow the diet.
I completed my first seed order over the last few days and will now keep my fingers crossed that those tomato & pepper seeds will make it here to go in the starter mix in about 3 weeks. There'll be some flower seed too but the peppers especially need an early start. Mmmmmm boy, Italian sweet peppers and ripe tomatoes. Maybe I can have some out of the freezer soon in a big bowl of soup or some pasta sauce!
Okay, I understand that . . . good food! And, the exercise and fresh air along with the spirit-nourishing experience of being productive are worth the cost of seed and effort. What other benefits do I get from all this gardening?
Two recent reports in medical journals are really encouraging! They promise more healthy years from doing very little more than what I want to do anyway!! And, that's the way to think of it - more years of health! (An immortality fruit has yet to reach harvest in my garden
So what do I get if I have a few healthy behaviors like being current non-smoking, not physically inactive, moderate in alcohol intake, and a blood vitamin C level consistent with a fruit and vegetable intake of at least five servings a day?? (Some of these researchers don't have a lot of trust in the reporting by the subjects in their research
The lives and lifestyles of over 20,000 men and women were studied:Consistent across sex, age, body mass index, and social class - - relative risks for all-cause mortality show that the impact of this healthy lifestyle is equivalent to 14 years of life!!
And with all those Italian peppers and ripe tomatoes - is there a special benefit there? Well, maybe! Combined with,
_ An abundance of food from all plant sources
_ Minimally processed foods
_ Limited saturated fats and fats in general
_ Dairy products consumed daily
_ Fish and poultry consumed in low to moderate amounts
_ Red meat consumed in very low amounts
_ Limited number of egg yolks
_ Low to moderate alcohol consumption
_ Along with some of that "regular physical activity"
I've got the "traditional Mediterranean diet" without half trying! A new report on old folks shows that men and women who followed the diet most closely were 21 to 22 percent less likely to have died for any reason over a 10 year period than were those who did not follow the diet.