Here's something that if you are raising chickens you may occasionally come across! A tiny egg from one of my Faverolles hens, placed beside a normal sized egg and one of my peahen eggs.
Those are not unusual when pullets first start to lay, but you can get them other times too. I recently had two of those in a row from pullets that had been laying for over four months. No yolk, just white. I didn't expect that. I couldn't figure out which one did it either. But then it was over and she was back to regular eggs with a yolk and a white.
Mine were dark like that too. I think the hen makes a certain amount of pigment for each egg and really lays it on thick on those tiny eggs.
actually, i have most of these with a little bit of yolk in them. i haven't cracked this one yet to find out. i haven't seen the oversized egg that usually accompanies one of these 'wind' eggs. my hens are older but i do see these occasionally. with all the newbies getting chickens i just thought they might want to see something that they may come across.
eta: just checked and no yolk. :/ there is a little bit of that connective white 'cord' in there.
An old farmer called them "luck" eggs - and I love that name. I am much more eggcited to find these tiny eggs, than the regular eggs! I have my collection of luck eggs, in a birds nest on my counter, at work. A very good conversation piece! Thanks for sharing the pic! I have baby chicks right now, so maybe I will find a few more in the fall....
We call them fart eggs, we always get at least one out of the silkie pen. I think its from my old girls. We have a few hens that are around 7 years old in there. Ours even have itty bitty yolks!
I've had some weird ones but none w/just white or just yolks. the ones I think are so bizarre that I get are the ones with the thin rubbery see through shell that is surprisingly tough to break. just had one of those laid late last night or very early this a.m.
I was eager to get it out of there because I still had that rat snake somewhere & I knew the eggs would be a delight to him.