Sometimes I really hate people.


Deeply Rooted
Mar 14, 2009
Reaction score
I am a bit taken back this morning. I shouldn't be, I really shouldn't let this bother me at all.

My dog is now 2-years-old, and he is so funny and particular that he will not go to the bathroom in my yard. He just wont do it. So everyday (twice a day for the first year) we take a long walk. We take several routes (this is after all an agricultural community or used to be until they started subdividing).

There is a small pecan orchard to the North of my house. They have developed it with a paved road and even put up street signs with the cul-de-sac turns where this will one day be drives into a housing area. One sign says "Pecan Orchard Estates". There is no fence and they flood to irrigate and keep the weeds down as the seasons pass.

Rudi and I walk through there enough to be a visual fixture in the landscape. We do not stick to one route based on which way Rudi wants to travel that day. Today was this particular orchard.

So this woman pulls up in this big white truck. She sticks her fat face out the window and bellows "please do not walk through the orchard". Uggh!!!

Here I am standing in knee high weeds on the side of a dirt road with a bag of dog poo and this woman has an issue. Good Lord!

So I simply told her "Put up a sign, Hell, put up a dozen signs" "I cannot read your mind"

She said I live over there and I have dogs!....Well I live over there and this is my dog, and further more I know your dogs and I know your house. She stormed off! What nerve.

She simply saw a long-haired skinny hippie sauntering through and she got freaky! She did, I mean this route is used by local kids to get to the high school on the opposite end of the acreage. She profiled me!

She either, in two years of me walking by, has never taken notice of me before. She is menopausal!, or she is a nut job and this has nothing to do with the orchard.

OK....LOL, what the heck was that?? I never go near her house because of her big ole dogs. Who would.

I guess I am ranting and as much as I am a hermit most days, these types of folks sure know how to ruin a pretty day! :duc



Deeply Rooted
Jun 27, 2008
Reaction score
West Coast of Central FL- Z9
I know what you mean my friend.
She is just a busy body who has no life so she has to screw with others! Halloween is coming, I would be saving all that fine poop! :smack

Broke Down Ranch

Deeply Rooted
Jun 30, 2008
Reaction score
Central Texas
Yes, stupid people suck and should not breed :smack. We live way out in the country at the cul-de-sac end of a mile long dirt road simply because so many people suck. All my socializing is done at home either with my family or online.

So sorry you had to bear the brunt of her having a "moment" :hugs. Want some of my stinky goat poo soup to put in a burning bag on her doorstep?


Deeply Rooted
Mar 14, 2009
Reaction score

I am sitting here thinking, I wonder what she would have done if I just stood there and drooled and started making barking noises instead LOL

I should be so cruel!

I swear LOL



Deeply Rooted
Feb 5, 2009
Reaction score
I'm confused. Is this her property? or did she just decide to come let you know where her house is and that she has dogs?


Deeply Rooted
Mar 14, 2009
Reaction score
Oh I am sure this is the property owner of sorts. This area has been long farmed for years. Where my house sits is on one of my landlords properties called Cosamoti Farms. Her family (across the street) are the Cupits. The elders on this side are long past as are the elders of that side of the ditch (irrigation ditch) LOL. The acres directly across from me used to be the Cupit horse ranch and was well kept. Well, ole man Cupit died and the kids did a landgrab. The one that got the equestrian center took the pastures and farmed fields to the south, the other half of the kids (this woman) took the north sections of both farmed and orchard (pecans only) properties.

The horses are restricted to the center only now, and to be honest I have not seen a horse in months so they may be off to events. The fields to the south are now a half complete subdivision with 50 sq.ft. yards and nothing more. All rock scaping in the fronts and all xeriscape plant materials.

This guy, the guy at the equestrian center put up signs to prevent the traffic flow of the housing division to not spill over through his part (possibly 20 acres), but I have spoken with him and he told me he did not put the signs up for people walking or with dogs; that is intended for vehicle traffic. Nice guy.

This woman's end is where the parents home was. They remoded after the dad died and they put his home up for 1.1 million, and made a gated subdivision, each an acre, each 1 million just for the plot. Nothing has sold.

I am sure she is stressed. I am not the threat she believes me to be.

But I do feel better now that I am safe in my garden. Yikes! Worse than Freddy Kruger! :lol:


Funny how much you know about neighbors ( I have been here over 6 years). Yet they don't know a thing about you!


Garden Master
Dec 13, 2007
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border, ID/WA(!)
Broke Down Ranch said:
. . . . We live way out in the country at the cul-de-sac end of a mile long dirt road . . .
That reminds me of the farm where I grew up - the end of a long dirt road.

But, one sunny Sunday morning a pickup truck showed up on our road. Our old dog was laying out there and that truck pushed her for about 20 yards before it turned around and headed back down the road. You could see the skid marks she left on the driveway.

Pepper was quite deaf and was recovering from a stroke she had a month or 2 before, so that she wouldn't have known of the danger and couldn't jump up to get out of the way.

Our young dog was going nuts, barking. I got out of bed and saw the tail of the truck before it disappeared in the early dawn.

The old dog was okay, after a trip to the vet to get her sown up that Sunday morning and the days the injury took to heal. But, you see, "they" can still show up and ruin your day and cause you and the people and things you love pain.

Ron and Rudy will be fine. You can tell that Ron's response to "them" was in character (even if his thoughts now turn to . . . :p). Stay strong Ron, another avenue is just around the corner with more trees and shade and sunshine.



Deeply Rooted
Mar 21, 2009
Reaction score
On the beautiful Salish Sea
well I am glad you made it home safely
may I share my neighbor the maniac story?
I have a neighbor who emailed me a note last Thursday to tell me "I want to meet you at the fence so I can hand you a flyer for our bbq and I am too afraid of your dogs to come in the yard!" omg omg omg my dogs are puppies both are under 2 years of age..very well trained and contained ...and never even bark at anyone stranger or not they are the best dogs on the planet (ok I am really in love with them) but all they do is play all day they are really sweet dogs!

ok 1. why not just email me the damn flyer and save this conversation for a not so perimenopausal nutcase like me ;)

2 her dog attacked me and that is why I had a fence put up in the first place! her shepherd came barreling into my yard dog was on a leash and her dog tore into us with a mission to eat us alive we got out of this with out a bite is beyond me

btw compared to her we are Bohemian ...but everyone compared to her has a Bohemian tendency here and SHE is a bad word!

so not to take up your thread with my complaining but I feel your pain dogs are pit bulls but come on they are babies ..sweet and well trained dogs who never ever bother anyone!

we are acutely aware that people are afraid of these kind of dogs so we try very hard to be good ambassadors for this breed by having happy sweet dogs ..(they are both rescued from near death exp)

ok I am done :) again glad you made it home safely give your fuzzy stick lover a kiss on the head from Auntie Hi :)

ps when I wrote back saying "I understand why you are worried having such an unstable dog yourself" she said "my dog never attacked your dog" omg again how do I counter that? when it happened right in my yard with witness

I should have turned her in that day ...she is flat out lying now


Deeply Rooted
Feb 5, 2009
Reaction score
That's some expensive real estate Greensage. I would chalk it up to her being stressed (property taxes due) and you being handy. Now don't you feel better that you were able to bring a little joy and stress relief into this poor woman's day? :lol: