Chillin' In The Garden
So growing a square watermelon is the only reason I even planted them.
This thread is going to be my journal of the process.
So, the plants are back on track and producing fruits, if youve read my other thread youd see that I moved my potted watermelon plants to a 2 shelf wire rack unit, and have a game plan of growing 5 melons on each shelf.
I think my baby melons were about 4" long yesterday, however today they are 5 inches.
So Ill start off right and explain the setup real quick...
Its the black wire shelf unit you can find at any home depot or lowes, I used only half of it.
The 5g pots are at the bottom, I laced the vines thru the wire because I started them off on the ground and they were everywhere...
The day after i put them on the rack, I noticed my melons...
And here is one yesterday
And this all brings us to today, which is day 1 for getting square watermelons
I figured Id start the process while they are still small.
I used these hobby cubes as I have aa good mix of graduating sizes, and they are cheap, and strong enough(i hope) to make the melon square, and easy enough to break off when to small.
This is the same melon from the photo above, in about 24 hrs it has grown noticably.
And heres some of the others
This thread is going to be my journal of the process.
So, the plants are back on track and producing fruits, if youve read my other thread youd see that I moved my potted watermelon plants to a 2 shelf wire rack unit, and have a game plan of growing 5 melons on each shelf.
I think my baby melons were about 4" long yesterday, however today they are 5 inches.
So Ill start off right and explain the setup real quick...
Its the black wire shelf unit you can find at any home depot or lowes, I used only half of it.
The 5g pots are at the bottom, I laced the vines thru the wire because I started them off on the ground and they were everywhere...
The day after i put them on the rack, I noticed my melons...
And here is one yesterday
And this all brings us to today, which is day 1 for getting square watermelons
I figured Id start the process while they are still small.
I used these hobby cubes as I have aa good mix of graduating sizes, and they are cheap, and strong enough(i hope) to make the melon square, and easy enough to break off when to small.
This is the same melon from the photo above, in about 24 hrs it has grown noticably.
And heres some of the others