Do any of you have stone paths in your yard? Did you use regular or irregular shaped stones, and how do you keep the greenery from growing over the stones?
I have stepping stones that lead to the birdfeeder. They are all the same size and have about six inches of space between them. I just use a weed eater to trim around them.
The only stepping stones we have, are part of a pebble path. The path kind of leads from one area, to the next. Since the stepping stones are set into the pebbles, weeds and grass are not a problem.
I have circular stepping stones, in a path to my driveway. I just weed eat any grass or weeds, that might pop up. That particular area in my yard seems to not have a problem with greenery taking over.
Over the years, we have different setups with stones. Right now, we have a few moderate sized ones that are circles that are placed to help reach the back windows without stepping in what can be muddy areas. We always just keep it trimmed. If they are in an area of grass, it's going to grow over and around them if you don't use a weed eater or something to keep the grass back.
In the back of our property is a crick. It runs into a larger river that goes to the local State Park. You would not believe the stones that are in the crick bed. We have several stone paths and we also have a stone wall that encloses one flower bed.
Thank you flowers39 for making me smile today. I haven't heard "crick" since my grandfather died many years ago. I have stepping stones at strategic places and a brick coblestone walkway leading to my pool. They are both beautiful areas. My main challenge is keeping the weeks from between the cracks.
I have used pea stones to go around the brick stepping stones that run throughout my back yard. It works well because it's not substantial enough to trip people and it's porous enough to let water drain through it and into the ground below.
There are tons of different stones or pavers you could use. Keeping weeds out is the hard part. They actually dont come up through the ground like most people think. Seeds and other foreign objects fall in the cracks and the weeds actually grow up out from there.
I have a path with random pieces of stone tightly knitted together and between them have planted dicondra. Which is a small lovely plant with heart shaped leaves. Prefers shade though. Looks really nice. Its more about embracing the green than trying to remove it!