Deeply Rooted
So, yesterday I set out the seedlings for some hardening time. My son and I were working in the garden and we decided to take a break. While on that break, my husband decides that he wants steak and potato salad for dinner and I got side tracked making the potato salad and thawing steak and making bread that we never did get back to the garden. I BOLTED awake at 4am and said "Oh my God! I forgot the plants outside!" I rushed outside (at 4am in my jammies none the less!) And brought them inside. It was quite chilly out there but it didn't frost. Some of them look like they ar starting to bounce back, hbut some are not looking so good. Do you think I killed my plants?! I'm going to plant some more tomatoes anyways because most of them didn't like the transplant and have started to die off.