Deeply Rooted
Here’s my tomatoes, zucchini, cucumbers, corn, peppers which aren’t the best this year and the sunflowers who never fail to come back no matter how much I pull them lol
And as a plus this year The Juncos decided to build a nest in my fuschia and it’s been quite the journey watching these little ones be born, we saw the 4 eggs, then they were born and fell out of the nest and mama and dad went nuts I’m pretty sure they were saying chit chit chit lol but we put them back and so far so good
And as a plus this year The Juncos decided to build a nest in my fuschia and it’s been quite the journey watching these little ones be born, we saw the 4 eggs, then they were born and fell out of the nest and mama and dad went nuts I’m pretty sure they were saying chit chit chit lol but we put them back and so far so good